At Your Service

At the heart of our work is your aspiration for your business.

Brand Development

What do you aspire for your brand?

What impact are you aiming for to benefit your clients?

A strong, well differentiated brand will make growing your business much easier. But have you clearly defined your vision? What impact are you addressing? How are you going to grow organically? We must begin with your overall long-term brand strategy, which is the context for your brand development strategy. If you are clear about where you want to take your firm, your brand will help you get there.

We can help you articulate that vision and align the development process to it, from big picture to the design minusiae.

Who are your target clients? Spoiler alert, “everybody” is not part of the multiple choice. High growth, high profit companies focus on having clearly defined target clients. The narrower the focus, the faster the growth. The more diverse the target audience, the more diluted your marketing efforts will be. So how do you know if you have chosen the right target client group?

We can help identify this group through a process suitable for the size of your company.

Long-lasting brands know their client base and target audience through direct feedback and research. 

Research helps you understand your target client’s perspective and priorities, anticipate their needs and put your message in language that resonates with them. Too many brands make the mistake of telling their audience how they should feel, rather than listen to feedback that the brand can use to better serve their customers. The more you know, the lower the marketing risk.

Great, you’re now ready to determine your company’s brand positioning within your vertical’s marketplace. Simply put, why does your business matter? What do you provide that’s more valuable than what your competitors offer?

A positioning statement is typically three to five sentences in length and captures the essence of your brand positioning. It must be simple and achieveable – you’re going to be held accountable. Although it’s achieveable, it must be aspirational and speak to the larger purpose behind your brand.

Your messaging strategy translates your brand positioning into a clear communication to your dream audience. Think of it as your elevator pitch, tailored to your various target market segments. Your target audiences typically include potential clients, potential employees, referral sources or other influencers and potential partnering opportunities.

A strong messaging strategy addresses the concerns and interest of each of these segments. 

Your brand identity is the visual and verbal expression of your brand. If you as a person had a brand, it would include your clothes, mannerisms, hairstyle, vocabulary and everything else that makes you distinguishable as an individual. Therefore, your brand identity comprises of:

  1. Company name
  2. Logo
  3. Tagline
  4. Color Palette
  5. Typography
  6. Graphical Elements
  7. Imagery
  8. Voice

A brand identity addresses the need for nuanced and persuasive emotional connection with a your target audience. 

You’ve heard it before: Content is King. But why?

Brand strength is driven by both reputation and visibility. Increasing visibility alone dilutes your efforts. That’s why “awareness-building” advertising or sponsorships often yield unsuccessful results. Content marketing, however, increases both visibility and reputation at the same time. It is a powerful way to make your brand relevant to your target audiences by offering value.

A marketing toolkit provides you with a structure for consistent, brand-building essentials. This might include a one-page sales sheet that describes core services offerings or key markets served. In addition, there may be a brief pitch deck that overviews your brand’s key offerings and an (e-)brochure about your company.

Videos are becoming increasingly ubiquitous within the marketing toolkit. These tools seamlessly merge the marketing and sales process and allows for organic growth when loyal customers and partners share this information.

Implement, Review, Adjust. Then Repeat.

A winning brand development strategy doesn’t do much good if it is never implemented.  Too many business fail to act on their new, shiny strategy. People get busy, bite-sized action plans can wait until tomorrow, and before you know it the strategy has rusted.

This is why tracking is so important. Successful businesses track the strategy, implementation and results – constantly. Did the strategy get implemented as planned? What happened with the objective measures, such as search traffic and web visitors? How many new leads, employee applications and partnering opportunities were generated? Not knowing can mean a lot of missed opportunities.

Marketing & Graphic Design

How will you tell you story visually?

And how will you ensure your audience engages with it?

You may have a brand, and you’re launching a new product that needs a logo, you’re re-designing your old brand or you’re starting from scratch. 

A logo is a recognizable graphic design element, often including a name, symbol or trademark, representing your organization or product. Before you start thinking about designing a business card or picking colors for your letterhead, you need a logo.

A media (or press) kit is a pre-packaged set of promotional materials -now usually on your website – that provide information about your company or products that the press or members of the media use to quickly source information for distribution.

A great design helps ensure the media kit thoughtfully represents the company.

The list is endless, so instead, here’s is an updated list of marketing collateral to consider for your business that is relevant and powerful today:

  • eBooks
  • Blog posts
  • Pillar pages
  • Landing pages
  • Branded content
  • Infographics
  • Event magazines
  • Brand stories
  • Case studies
  • White papers
  • Corporate brochures
  • Product catalogs
  • Proposals & presentations
  • Re-engagement emails
  • Corporate magazines
  • Newsletters
  • Digital reports
  • Customer magazines
  • Member magazines

Printed material will never become irrelevant – in fact print marketing such as direct mail gaining power as your competitors climb over each other in the digital marketing realm, leaving people’s mailboxes prime real estate. Here are 10 sales-boosting print materials to consider:

  1. Business Cards
  2. Letterhead & Envelopes
  3. Presentation Folders
  4. Company Brochures
  5. Catalogues
  6. Product Data Sheet
  7. Case Studies/Testimonials
  8. Thank You Cards
  9. EDDM/Direct Mail
  10. Newsletters

Unsure what’s best for your goals, budget and what printers to use? We can connect you to the best online and local solutions that meet your needs.

Are you hitting all the necessary points of a great website that helps drive traffic to your brand? Here are 10 of the most important elements:

  1. Navigation
  2. Visual Design
  3. Content
  4. SEO Friendly
  5. Interactive
  6. Info Accessibility
  7. Intuitive
  8. Branded
  9. Speed
  10. Conversion

If you’re missing any one of these, you’re stunting organic growth. Through design and collaboration with the best website and app developers, we help ensure your online presence is robust.

Use strategic visual communications to drive action. How? Educate, inspire and unify leaders and employees through cohesive design and messaging. Gather your tribe and hold their attention through branded communication and merch.

We can help you develop POS materials that delight your customers, promote impulse purchases and foster loyalty through storytelling. These designs include: 

  • Wobblers
  • Shelf-talkers
  • Stoppers
  • Price tags
  • Packaging
  • Promotional stands
  • Roll-stands
  • Banners
  • Hard posters
  • Gift/Loyalty Cards
  • Promo Cards
  • Display Stands

Branding involves dipping every aspect of the customer’s experience into your aesthetic, your voice and the impact you’re providing. 

Whether for personal, business or commercial purposes, invitation designs make your colleagues, friends and clients feel special. Consider customizing your designs for special occasions, such as:

  • Birthday
  • Anniversary
  • Baby Shower
  • Bar & Bat Mitzvah
  • Luxury Baptism
  • Birth Announcements
  • Class Reunion
  • Communion
  • Corporate Event
  • Family Reunion
  • Farewell Party
  • Graduation Announcements
  • Grand Opening
  • Halloween
  • Holiday Party
  • Housewarming
  • Luncheon
  • Moving Announcements
  • New Year’s Eve
  • Open House
  • Retirement
  • Sympathy

…and any other sources for special communication, thoughtfully designed.

Great packaging design takes into account not only your brand communication, but your culture. Attractive and reusable packaging makes a lasting impression while being more sustainable. Win-win. 

Whether you’re creating branded wrapping paper, custom-designing shopping bags, or packaging your crafted coffee or luxury jewelry – we have the design solutions for you.

Illustrations come in many forms and ensure all your communication is finely tuned to your brand or message. These can be done by hand (yes, pen/watercolor/pencil on paper) or digitally. 

Some applications and examples include:

  • Portraits
  • Mascots
  • Infographics
  • Custom Icons
  • Web Banners
  • Graphic Assets
  • Graphs
  • Figures (i.e. medical)

Project Management

Where do you turn to for all the other details?

And how do you trust that you brand messaging will shine across all platforms?

Web development involves building, creating, and an maintaining your website. For evolving business seeking to grow, they may have a website they need to renew.

Even on a tight budget, professional web design, publishing and database management will ensure your web presence remains strong.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves three main components:

  • Quality of traffic. You can have a million visitors a day, but if they’re coming to your site because Google tells them you’re a resource for Home Depot products when really sell homes as a realtor, that is not quality traffic. SEO ensures you attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your offers.
  • Quantity of traffic. Once you have the right people clicking through from those search engine results pages (SERPs), it’s time to increase that traffic of quality leads.
  • Organic traffic. Organic traffic is any traffic that you don’t have to pay for (unlike ads). Think of it as cyberspace’s walk-ins. 

Advertising is a paid form of shouting from the rooftops. Print and digital options, customized to the business’s goals, size and audience, include:

  • Pay-per-click (PPC)
  • Social media ads
  • Influencer marketing
  • Banner ads
  • Ad retargeting
  • Broadcast ads
  • Billboards/Signs
  • Direct Mail
  • Magazine

Once your design is complete, it’s time to get it printed and distributed. We can help you communicate with your local printer or manage your online order. Some of these may include:

  1. Business Cards
  2. Letterhead & Envelopes
  3. Presentation Folders
  4. Company Brochures
  5. Catalogues
  6. Product Data Sheet
  7. Case Studies/Testimonials
  8. Thank You Cards
  9. EDDM/Direct Mail
  10. Newsletters

Stuck for words? We have writers on our team to help you with copywriting for any platform:

• Online (web content, pop-ups, banners, social media, emails)
• In print (in papers & magazines, leaflets & brochures)
• In physical advertising spaces (billboards, poster sites, public transport)
• Everywhere else (radio, TV)

Custom photography allows you, your brand or event to vividly come to life. We can help manage the process of procuring a professional photographer and maximizing the result in your marketing, invitation or catalogue. 

Consider professional photography for:

  • Physical Products
  • Office & Teams
  • Headshots
  • Events
  • Custom Artwork
  • Fashion
  • Architectural
  • Lifestyle/Conceptual
  • Photojournalism
  • Animal/Pet
  • Nature & Aerial

Videos are undeniably powerful and effective as a marketing and conversion tool. We have a list of production agencies for your budget and needs. Why video? Here are some reasons:

  • Videos boost conversions and sales (by about 80%)
  • Videos show great ROI
  • Videos build trust
  • Google loves videos
  • Video appeals to mobile users
  • Videos explain quickly
  • Videos engage even the laziest buyers
  • Videos encourage social shares
  • Videos can be boosted as ads, which work wonders

A comprehensive market analysis is the foundation of a strong marketing strategy.

  • With a market analysis, you can back up your business idea with figures, data, and facts, and therefore provide a convincing business plan.
  • You can recognize market potential at an early stage and avoid making the wrong decisions.
  • You can identify any existing knowledge gaps and fill them in on time.
  • A market analysis shows you which competing products are already on the market.
  • With a market analysis, you can identify the market entry barrier and estimate the market attractiveness.
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